Technical advantages
Friend Electric Power Technology Co., LTD
The test report The test report
The test report

There are many factors to consider in the emergence of a product that meets the use standard, such as the average life standard of the internal components, whether the quality of the production materials is good, and how to arrange the internal components to maintain the normal use of the product and other factors. After reaching these standard factors, the products should be sent to the relevant product testing institutions to test the quality and safety of the products. After meeting the standards, the organization will give the relevant product test report, so that large-scale production can be carried out.

Friends electric power Technology Co., LTD., with the concerted efforts of the company's internal professional and technical personnel and its profound development background, developed a number of products, but also obtain the corresponding product testing reports. Let customers use rest assured, friends power can be at ease.

Ensure the quality of each product
Test Qualification Report
The test report
The test report