Technical advantages
Friend Electric Power Technology Co., LTD
Internet + Internet +
Internet +

The 1940s and 1950s ushered in the third industrial Revolution, the information Revolution, the so-called Internet age. With the characteristics of fast speed and wide range of influence, it began to prevail in various countries, making countries around the world gradually move from a closed state to an increasingly closely connected whole, and also promoting the development of productivity.

Friends electric power comply with the trend of The Times, seize the opportunity of development, promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, so that the single "factory manufacturing" model into the "Internet + factory" model, greatly expand the sales channels of friends Electric Power. In the Internet era, the initiative is transferred from enterprises to customers, and customers' needs are becoming more and more personalized and diversified. Therefore, enterprises are required to change from self-centered to customer-centered, from mass manufacturing to mass customization, so as to promote better development of enterprises.

Face-to-face communication across thousands of miles
Internet + Factory
Internet +
Internet +